The Effectiveness Of Excedrin Migraine

One of the most popular over the counter drugs for migraine headache is Excedrin Migraine. This medication combines several pain relievers for the greatest effective relief possible without having to resort to a prescription. A migraine is a headache that is extremely painful and which may last for several hours. It may or may not be preceded by an aura, which is a disruption of the vision. Many migraines are accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound as part of their side effects. Excedrin is considered an acute treatment, the initial recommended course of action to relieve migraine pain.

Acute treatments include non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin. Acetaminophen is another popular acute pain reliever. Excedrin combines aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine for extra pain relief. Studies have shown that the addition of caffeine to analgesic pain relievers like these can increase the efficiency as much as 40 percent. Doctors often recommend combining acetaminophen with NSAIDs for maximum relief of pain, which is safe for most people. With all drugs, both prescription and over the counter drugs, there are some precautions and safety issues you should be aware of before taking.

Excedrin Migraine should not be taken by anyone who may have kidney or liver problems. Acetaminophen is metabolized by the liver. NSAIDs like aspirin can also be hard on the stomach lining, so if you suffer from ulcers or have other stomach issues, this drug should definitely be avoided unless specifically directed by your doctor. Consuming alcohol while taking this medication is also to be avoided, as it can increase the risk of liver and/or kidney damage in addition to stomach bleeding. In addition, individuals who are sensitive to caffeine should take be cautious when using Excedrin, as one dose contains about the same amount of caffeine as one cup of coffee.

For most people, Excedrin Migraine is a good option when it comes to over the counter headache relief. It is important to not take more than the dose specified on package instructions, and to read all the fine print carefully. If you have any questions about this drug before you take it, ask your pharmacist or call a medical professional. Often this combination of an acute pain reliever and bed rest in a dark, quiet room, along with cold compresses on the affected area, can help relieve the pain or at least reduce its effects until the migraine has run its course. If you find that over the counter medications are not strong enough to help you, your doctor can prescribe drugs called triptans for these chronic migraine headaches.


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