Understanding The Causes Of Headaches

Understanding the cause of headaches is very important because that information will allow for more effective prevention and/or treatment. One of the most common and painful types of headaches is the migraine. Millions of people suffer from migraines, to the degree that they are debilitating when they occur. By becoming informed about the causes of migraine headaches, you can gain a better handle on how to prevent and treat your migraines. Because of the differences between individuals, it turns out that what triggers a migraine in one individual may not trigger it in another. Keeping a headache diary can be extremely helpful so that you and your health practitioner can analyze your migraines, trying to pinpoint recurring patterns.

Genetics are thought to be one of the main factors behind migraine headaches. While not a trigger, one's genetics may predispose an individual to this kind of headache. If one or more of your relatives suffers from migraines, it is also possible you will experience them as well. According to the Mayo Clinic, changes in the trigeminal nerve might be one of the underlying components of migraine headaches. Another factor may be an imbalance in brain chemicals, such as serotonin. Because serotonin works to regulate pain in the nervous system, when it drops this can trigger the release of neuropeptides from the trigeminal system -- with the result being a migraine headache.

There are migraine headache causes which are called triggers. By identifying and preventing your triggers, you can sometimes prevent the onset of a migraine headache. Of course, if you are a woman, one trigger that you may not be able to prevent are hormonal fluctuations. Menstruation, menopause and even pregnancy can frequently trigger migraines because of the hormonal changes. Another aspect of your life that it is important to regulate is your stress level, since stress due to your job, home life or any other factors can also be a migraine trigger. There are even some foods that trigger migraines in certain individuals. Some of these foods include chocolate, alcohol, MSG, aged cheese and excessive caffeine.

Changes in your sleep habits may also be an issue. Getting too much sleep or not enough can trigger these painful headaches. Over stimulation to light and sound may also be contributing factors. In addition,some medications may have the disadvantage of causing migraines. As you can see, there are many potential triggers when it comes to migraines. Determining the causes of the headaches you are experiencing may only be possible after tracking them for awhile and pinpointing your unique triggers. Although writing in a journal may be the last thing on your mind when experiencing a migraine, being able to write down details, including what you did, ate or drank before the onset of the headache will be essential information for you and your doctor in analyzing your best course of action and treatment


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