Headaches Due To A Fever

It's cold and flu season and we truly realize that fever, headache, body aches, and fatigue are the first signals letting us know that we have caught the latest 'bug' going around the office or workplace. When our core temperature rises, the body responds with an aching head and muscles--as if the runny nose, itchy eyes, and sore throat were not enough. The best thing to do under these circumstances is to go home. Most of us feel like we have to go to work regardless of our circumstances and how we are feeling, but in reality, we would do our co-workers a favor by staying home. Don't try to be a martyr; your workplace will survive without you for a few days.

Not all of us can be at home and stay in bed, particularly if we have small children. Mother is never supposed to be sick. That goes for helpless husbands too! Mine is fond of saying he knows I feel terrible but then he tells me he is much sicker than I am! Ok, so you can't go to bed. Get yourself some over the counter pain relievers like aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen to reduce the fever and ease the headache pain. Staying well hydrated is crucial. Drinking cool water and applying cool compresses will help to reduce your fever. Take advantage of any short period to catch a nap, as sleep will help your body to heal itself. Fever and headaches go hand in hand because as the body temperature rises, the blood vessels dilate, which is the source of the headache pain.

There are some diseases that may start with fever and a headache but which are very serious. If your headache is sudden, severe, and accompanied by a sore throat and stiff neck, get in touch with your doctor immediately. Meningitis is a serious disease that begins with these symptoms. Meningitis consists of a bacterial or viral infection that affects the body tissues known as meninges along with the fluid surrounding the spinal cord and brain. Encephalitis is a viral infection of the brain and it too, can cause a fever headache. Sunstroke is another serious situation which might develop into a fever headache. Don't take any chances should you develop these symptoms; instead, seek immediate care as these precautions may save your life.

If you have a cold, fever headache and body aches, take care of yourself with pain relievers, rest, and cool compresses. If you have any other symptoms that are causing you concern, make an appointment with a doctor. He or she is the best person to advise you whether your fever headache is just due to a cold or flu or whether it is indicative of something even more serious, requiring immediate attention


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