Migraine Descriptions

A migraine is a type of headache with standardized characteristics as defined by the International Headache Society. The IHS classifies headaches into two categories: primary and secondary. Primary headaches cannot be traced to any underlying cause in the body and are considered to be benign in nature. The types of headaches that fit into the primary category are migraines, cluster headaches, and tension headaches. The category of secondary headaches consists of headaches which are more uncommon and which are caused by medical conditions, including, but are not limited to, lupus, meningitis, sluggish thyroid, or head trauma.

One of the signs that a migraine headache is about to occur is an aura. The sufferer may see patterns in the vision or a shimmering area that enlarges. However, not every migraine is accompanied by an aura. Some other basic symptoms of migraine include pain is located primarily one side of the head,or a throbbing and/or pulsing sensation ,the intensity of pain effecting one's activities, a duration of 4 hours or more, sensitivity to light, and nausea and/or vomiting. The symptoms are so intense and uncomfortable that sufferers usually have little doubtdesigned for migraine headaches from manufacturers like Excedrin. These medications may contain a combination of pain relievers such as ibuprofen and aspirin. A small dose of caffeine may be included in the formula as it has been shown to have a positive effect when administered in this way. Read product labels and steer clear of those containing this ingredient if you are sensitive to caffeine. There are prescription drugs and narcotic pain relievers that can be prescribed by your health care professional if over the counter medications are insufficient.

If you suffer from migraines, it may be helpful to keep a journal of when your headaches occur a long with their duration, the accompanying symptoms you experience, and anything you may have done or consumed prior to the onset of the headache. Any of these indicators could be a potential trigger. A regular journal can help you and your doctor discover patterns which occur prior to you migraines and, as a result, establish the most effective treatment and prevention plan for you. It may not be possible to eradicate migraine headaches totally, but there is a good chance that the frequency, duration and the level of pain as a result of migraines can be managed and reduced.


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