Treating Headaches--Naturally

It is estimated that 28 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches. Migraines can last for hours and be excruciating. If you are one of the millions who experience migraines, you are probably searching for a remedy. There are over the counter medications, prescription drugs and even natural treatments for headaches. Taking a natural route is appealing for many people who have had little success with other treatment options and who prefer natural remedies over synthetic drugs. However, before trying any type of remedy on your own, consult with your doctor. Some herbs may negatively interact with other medications or have an impact on certain medical conditions, so it's crucial that you get the approval of your physician.

One natural remedy that may have an impact on the frequency and severity of migraine headaches is vitamin B6, also known as riboflavin. In several clinical trials which have been carried out, one suggested that daily doses of 400mg over a three-month period were effective, while others pointed towards doses as low as 25 mg as being equally effective. Because this vitamin is relatively inexpensive, safe when taken in appropriate doses, and readily available, it is often used in conjunction with other kinds of treatments.

If you are considering herbal remedies for headaches, take a look at Feverfew. This is an herb which should not be used if you are allergic to any flowers in the daisy family. Studies have shown that feverfew taken under the tongue may reduce the duration and severity of migraines; however, there have not been enough clinical trials done on this herb to make a definitive statement on its usefulness. Another herb to consider is called Butterbur, which is in the same ragweed family as Feverfew. This herb also has a reputation as a migraine preventative as well as having anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties.

There are a variety of other natural cures for headaches you may want to look into. For example, acupuncture may be effective for some people. It is an ancient form of Chinese treatment which is used for a variety of conditions. It involves the placement of extremely thin needles along specific meridians of the body. Most people report that acupuncture is painless even though it involves the use of needles. Biofeedback may also be helpful for some. It is a modern system which teaches mind-body control using a device called a biofeedback machine. One practices with this kind of set up until a skill is developed which eventually becomes second nature. Last, learning to avoid known migraine triggers, while not a treatment, but a preventative measure, is a form of self-regulation that may also help the with the frequency and duration of migraine episodes.


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