Causes Of Migraines

Migraine headaches strike three times as many women as men, but what brings them on is not clearly understood. Research has determined that migraine symptoms may result due to changes in the diameter of the blood vessels in the head. They first contract and then expand as the pain begins. However, what is not known is why such things happen in the first place.

One theory that is propounded is that migraines might be the result of an an imbalance of the mood-regulating chemical serotonin, and particularly in women, hormone fluctuations are also thought to be implicated. It has also been noticed that the inclination toward migraine headaches may run in families, suggesting a genetic factor. But whatever the cause, what we do experience is that they can be very debilitating. The pain can be extremely intense and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and vision disturbances. Some people experience an aura, such as bright points of lights, zigzag patterns, or blind spots prior to the onset of an attack. While not as common, some people even report strange odors and numbness in their limbs.

When we keep a migraine journal we may notice that there are some common triggers that may bring on a migraine. These are known to include certain foods such as MSG, chocolate, cheese, and red wine. Of course, stress and changes in one's normal routine may also be triggers. In some people, consuming a poor diet, not getting good sleep, or getting exposed to strong odors are factors, which for them, could bring on a migraine attack.

My mother suffered from migraines and I, too, had them for a few years during a period in which I was under a lot of stress. Her attacks sent her to bed. Later, I found that if I were able to lie down in a dark, quiet place when the attacks first started, they did not last long and I would not be afflicted with nausea. My aunt also had migraines and was known to spend several days in bed nearly every month. She called them 'sick headaches.' I can say that I am convinced mine were totally stress induced. On the other hand, a good friend of mine found that her fondness for dark chocolate would invariably bring on such a blinding headache that she gave up chocolate entirely. She said as much as she enjoyed it, the resulting pain was definitely not worth that short, momentary pleasure.

Most migraines do not respond to aspirin or acetaminophen. NSAID's like Aleve are a bit more effective and there are also some over the counter migraine medications that may prove helpful. Some doctors believe the herb Feverfew, which is a natural supplement, may prevent some migraines, but in other instances a prescription medication is required. There are some prescriptions which may be taken as a preventative measure. It is also important to evaluate the significance of making lifestyle changes, particularly if there are issues that you have discovered which are implicated in migraine attacks. Even though we are may not be entirely certain as to what causes migraines, we are certain that there a many kinds of treatments, most of which must be tailored to the individual with the help of a health care professional.


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